Friday, July 9, 2010

Stupid Decissions

Sometimes in our lives we make some of the dumbest decissions and although we know it's wrong, we still do it. As a teenager I was one of the most wreckless and I lived life like I didn't have a care in the world. I was what I like to call "a Maury wild teen poster child". Ever watch one of those episodes? That was me. I did it all, from drinking to smoking weed to cutting school, staying out late, sleeping around, pretty much everything you could possibly imagine. I am not proud of the things I have done, but I like to share my experiences and hopefully get it out there that those things are NOT cool. I had got myself into some situations that could have turned out a lot worse than what actually happened. I even got pregnant when I was 16. It was all mostly because I hated my moms boyfriend. He was horrible to me. All I can remember since I was 10 was him calling me names because I was a little over weight and putting me down all the time. Meanwhile, he was your typical 300 lbs. Italian. I made these stupid decisions to get back at my mother but also because it seemed to be the only way I could step out of reality and into a world where I was free. I didn't have many friends. The only person that friended me was the girl that got me involved in a lot of the stuff I did. Although she friended me and got me involved in a lot of bad things, she was always by my side when I needed her. I was the most hated girl in school and got picked on and tourchered because of these stupid decisions. If you make a decision, be sure to be ready to handle the consiquences, but also be prepared to make changes to better yourself to never make those same decisions.


  1. I agree with you. I have made a lot of bad choices in my life that I wish I could go back and change, but since I can't I just have to move forward and make better choices in the future. Thanks for the great post. You gave us all something to think about.

  2. "the world breaks everyone, and afterward, some are stronger at the broken places." ernest hemingway
